Breakfast On The River

Pygmy Kingfisher

This panel is 20 inches by 24 inches. The Pygmy Kingfisher on the branch is 7 inches long, and the one coming out of the water is 5¼ inches long. The fish in the birds mouth is 2½ inches long. Both birds and the fish are made of select Basswood. All the life-like detail in the birds and the fish are hand carved. The Kingfisher exploding out of the water with his breakfast is dynamic. It’s a place where “Two Dimensions Meet.”

The painting depicts a lazy river near a stand of birch trees. The colors Wendy used to harmonize the sky, the birch trees and the water give depth and warmth to the painting. And the reflections on the water of the sunrise and birch trees gives the river movement. This lovely pair of Pygmy Kingfishers will highlight any room in your home or office.

Purchase Price: $300

For information on purchasing this panel contact us.